Hi! My name is Rebecca and I’m 21 years old. I’m from Austin, Texas, and I will be graduating from Texas A&M in May of this year (Whoop!) with a Bachelors Degree in Sociology with a Psychology minor. I absolutely love to love people… hugs and laughter are my two favorite combinations 🙂 I love going to the park, random road trips, taking pictures of the sky, and watching movies with my friends. I find SO much joy in the little moments in life 🙂
I have the most amazing family in the entire world. My parents love the Lord with all their hearts, and they have always been my strength and constant encouragement, always pointing me back to the Cross. My sister is my best friend, and she is literally half my heart! I can’t even put it into words how my family has blessed me. Their support has been incredible, and I know they are running alongside me through this exciting journey. The same goes for the amazing, lifelong friends He has put in my life.
Kids are my PASSION! I absolutely love being around them and loving them with Christ’s love. Over the past year, God has put in me a huge desire to get out of what’s comfortable to me and to see the world through His eyes. I feel like I finally understand why I was created: to bring Him the most glory. I can’t imagine living without hope… I want nothing more than to share that hope with India.
” Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory, for the sake of your steadfast love and your faithfulness!” (Psalm 115:1)
May the Lord continue to bless you and use you for His glory. May you be a blessing to every one you meet like you have been to us. We thank the Father for you and have no doubt that He created you with a purpose one of which is to share the love of Christ. Continue to walk with Him every moment of every day and He will direct your path. We love you so very much.
Mom and Dad
People can’t believe in Jesus
If the gospel they dont hear
So we must proclaim its message
To the world-both far and near
I admire you and your obedience to what the Father wants you to do. Love you.
Rebecca, it’s a blessing to read about the loving heart that God has given you, especially your love for kids! I think you will feel right at home in a lot of our ministries! I’m glad that you desire to bring glory to the Lord and make His name famous–that will be my continual prayer for you!
rebecca I KNOW you will love working with kids in India. Can’t wait to see how you blossom there even more in your love for God’s children, and to see how God pours out His love on those children through your beautiful smile and hugging arms! So blessed to be a part of this journey with you.
Hi Rebecca:
I chanced upon this blog and yes, I do know you as a little girl “Reba” when your parents moved into our rental home as we moved out. You have grown into a wonderful girl and may God bless you and your family always.