
Explore My News,
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We heard from the team early this morning, they have arrived in India, got through customs and are settled in getting some rest before diving into ministy.  Everyone is doing well.

9 responses to “Team Has Arrived”

  1. We are so grateful to our Heavenly Father for HIS Mercy & Grace for taking these beautiful,children of the Most High safely to India. May His Grace be upon them at all times in all that they do for HIS Kingdom & for the Glory of HIS Son, Our Messiah!

  2. Can’t wait to hear about the trip (What was it like to fly over so much land and water? Is it so cool to see signs in different languages? Who was the most interesting person you saw in the airports?), training in Atlanta, and your first impressions so far–not necessarily in that order, haha. Wow! It’s really, really real, this Real Life trip! Yay! Rest up, and start writing to all of your friends and family state-side who are dying to hear all about it! 🙂 Praying for you all, Lea

  3. Thanks for the update. We really appreciate your communication. It helps us feel connected as we keep praying for you and remembering each of you before the Lord. Looking forward to hearing more. We pray Isaiah 23:3-4 for you today.
    and trust Him too keep you as you rest and prepare.

  4. Thank the Lord for delivering the group safely. We are so glad to get this update and are looking forward to more details as they unfold…

  5. We are praying for each one of you. So is My Word that goes out from My Mouth: It will not return to Me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace, the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.Isaiah 55:11-12

  6. we are waiting………patiently 🙂 but, is IS about TIME for another update!!
    Praying for ALL